At St Peter’s we expect all parents to send their children to school wearing the correct school uniform. This helps to create an identity of which the children can be proud.
The uniform includes:
- green sweatshirt or cardigan (with school logo)
- grey skirt or pinafore
- black or grey trousers or shorts
- Grey jogging bottoms – Reception children only
- grey or white socks
- grey or green tights
- white shirt or polo shirt
- green gingham or candy stripe summer dresses
- black, low-heeled sensible shoes or dark sensible sandals. Not trainers.
- plain dark green fleece (optional with school logo)
- summer baseball cap
- any style topcoat
- olive green school rucsac (optional)
- olive green school bookbag (recommended for Year R, 1 and 2)
In PE children should wear:
- Shorts: dark green coloured. Must be plain, non patterened & unbranded.
- T-shirt: Must be in house colour and be without logos or branding.
- Trainers: for outdoor PE
- Plimsolls/light trainers - for indoor PE. Although bare feet for dance and gymnastics)
- Jogging bottoms: must be dark coloured and plain, without logos (optional and for colder months)
- Sweater: dark coloured and plain - No zips, logos/branding (optional and for colder months).
- PE kit bag: clearly named and not oversized as must be hung on coat pegs in shared area.