
Our Members

Who are we? The Governing Body of St. Peter’s CE (Aided) Primary School is a group of volunteers made up from various parts of the community served by the school. We come from a variety of backgrounds and have a wide range of skills and experiences. We are committed to ensuring that all pupils receive high quality education to enable them to fulfil their potential and to ensuring the ongoing success and continuous improvement of the school.


Mr Dave Miller - Chair - Headteacher Appraisal

Mr Miller is a Co-Opted Governor and Chair of Governors. He was appointed on 10th December 2020. He serves on the Pay Committee.

Mr Tom Huson - Vice Chair - Pupil Premium, Sport, Wider Curriculum

Mr Huson is a Foundation Governor, Vice Chair of Governors and Chair of the Finance & Resources Committee. He was appointed on 22nd February 2021.

Mrs Becky Francis - English, Headteacher Appraisal

Mrs Francis is a Foundation Governor. She was elected on 19th October 2015.  She serves on the Finance & Resources, Pay and Admissions Committees.

Mr Giles Kolter

Mr Kolter is the Headteacher and Staff Governor by virtue of his post. He was appointed as an ex-officio member on 1st September 2012. He attends all Committee meetings as an advisor.

Mrs Nichola Favell - Science

Mrs Favell is a Foundation Governor. She was appointed on 2nd April 2019. She serves on the Admissions Committee.

Mrs Natalie Cheeseman - English, Sport

Mrs Cheeseman is a Foundation Governor. She was appointed on 15th March 2023.

Mrs Aileen Raynos - Outdoor Learning, Website & Marketing

Mrs Raynos is a Foundation Governor. She was appointed on 15th March 2023.

Mr Gareth Mackinder - Health & Safety, Mathematics, Computing

Mr Mackinder is a Parent Governor. He was appointed on the 15th June 2021. He serves on the Finance & Resources Committee.

Mrs Joy Porter - Inclusion

Mrs Porter is an LA Governor. She was appointed on 13th July 2023.

Mrs Abigail Dearling - Inclusion, Safeguarding

Mrs Dearling is a Foundation Governor. She was appointed on 18th June 2023.

Mrs Alexa Millward

Mrs Millward is a Foundation Governor. She was appointed on 7th November 2023.

Mrs Katie Finch

Mrs Finch is Staff Governor. She was appointed on 21st September 2023.

VACANT - Foundation Governor

VACANT - Parent Governor


Ms Jo Ball

Ms Ball is the school Bursar and is an Associate Member of the Governing Body. She was appointed on 6th January 2020. She attends the Finance & Resources and Admissions Committees as an advisor. Ms Ball does not have any voting rights.

Fr. Martin Mills

Fr. Martin is now an Associate Governor but has previously served as a Foundation Governor. He was appointed to his current role on 31st March 2021. Fr. Martin does not have any voting rights.

N.B. Mrs Favell & Mrs Finch are related. Mother & daughter respectively.

Ms Ball's partner Mr Miller is our Chair and Co-Opted Governor.


An Introduction to The Governing Body

Thank you for your interest in St Peter’s Church of England (Aided) Primary School. Our school aims to create a happy, stimulating learning environment which encourages children to do their very best, and supports them in achieving and exceeding their own expectations. We provide excellent facilities in which the children can feel safe and nurtured by caring and professional teaching staff, who embrace our Christian ethos and focus on every child as an important and valued individual.

Our Vision:

We are St Peter’s, a Christian village school rooted in our community.

We strive to create an inclusive, caring environment where our learners grow to enjoy life in all its fullness.

Just as St Peter himself was entrusted to be the rock on which Jesus founded his church, we develop firm foundations for life within our pupils on Jesus’ teachings.

                We have three key aims:

  • To LOVE one another in the way God loves us.
  • To inspire children to love to LEARN; and equip them with the skills and attitudes to do so all their lives.
  • To AIM HIGH so every child achieve their full potential.
Our pupils are nurtured to develop their self-confidence, spirituality, personal well being, respect for others and their own talents in a broad curriculum.
When our pupils move on to the next stage of their education, our aspiration is that we have developed ‘Life-Long Learners’ who have a strong appreciation of their role in; and responsibilities towards; the local community, our country and the changing world.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for The Lord”. COLOSSIANS 3:23

Further Details

Please find below further details about the members of the governing body at St. Peter’s School including appointment information, attendance and business & pecuniary interests.

The governing body of St. Peter’s (CE) Aided Primary School is constituted under ‘The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012’. There are 14 governors consisting of;

8 Foundation governors – Appointed by the Church Parish / Diocese

1 Co-opted governor – Appointed by the Governing Body

1 Local Authority Governor – Appointed by the Local Authority

2 Parent Governors - Elected by the Parents/Carers of pupils at the school

1 Staff Governor – Elected by the Staff of the school

1 Headteacher – An ex-officio member by virtue of their role

All governors serve a 4 year term except the Headteacher and the Parish Priest, who are governors by virtue of their posts.

Apologies for absences by governors at meetings are reviewed and approved by the governing body.

What do we do? Our role is a strategic one, with the day to day running of the school the responsibility of the Headteacher and senior school leaders. We have 3 core functions;

  • To work with the Headteacher to set the vision and strategic direction of the school
  • To ensure the accountability for the educational performance of the school through searching questioning of the Leadership Team
  • To ensure the best use is made of the school’s financial resources

The full governing body meets in full on a monthly basis and, at different times in the school year, rotates the main area of focus between the topics outlined below:

Finance & Resources – Review all matters concerning finance including the annual budget, staffing , premises, safeguarding and health & safety.

Ethos & Curriculum – Ensure all aspects of school life reflect the Christian ethos and ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is delivered to all pupils.

Pay – Has fully delegated powers to implement the school’s pay policy including annual reviews of performance related pay.

Admissions – Has fully delegated powers to implement the school’s admissions policy.

Please see the link below for further information regarding the role of school governors in West Sussex;


Our Previous Members

Mrs Sarah Vaughan-Turner -  Safeguarding & Wider Curriculum (stood down 21st July 2023)

Mrs Vaughan-Turner was a Foundation Governor and Chair of the Admissions Committee. She was appointed on 1st April 2010. She also served a Chair of the Governing Body.

Mr Kevin Lawrence - Wider Curriculum (stood down 21st July 2023)

Mr Lawrence was a Parent Governor. He was appointed on 3rd March 2022.

Mrs Samantha Bateman  - RE (stood down 21st July 2023)

Mrs Bateman was a Staff Governor. She was appointed on 5th April 2022.

Mr Adam Charlton - Computing (stood down 2nd March 2023)

Mr Charlton was a Foundation Governor and Chair of the Admissions Committee. He was appointed on 2nd April 2019.

Mrs Emma Harsum - English (stood down 2nd March 2023)

Mrs Harsum  was a Foundation Governor and Chair of the Pay Committee. She was appointed on 29th April 2019.



Mrs Angie Bell

Mrs Angie Bell is the Clerk to the Governing Body. She clerks all Full Governing Body and Committee meetings.

For further information regarding the Governing Body, please contact the Clerk via the School Office.


Governing Body of St. Peter’s CE Primary School - Information for Academic Year 2022/23


 Attendance   FGB



 Interests -   Business /   Pecuniary /  Governorship

N Cheeseman

2 of 3




A Raynos

2 of 3




J Porter

1 of 1




A Dearling

1 of 1



B Francis

7 of 10


Admissions, Finance & Resources, Pay


K Lawrence

1 of 5



S Bateman

2 of 5




A Charlton

3 of 7


Admissions, Finance & Resources, Pay


G Kolter

10 of 10


 Advisor on: Admissions


T Huson

8 of 8


 Finance & Resources


N Favell

5 of 6




E Harsum

3 of 4


 Admissions, Pay


J Ball

3 of 3


Advisor on: Admissions, Finance & Resources


S Vaughan-Turner

5 of 8


 Admissions, Pay


 K Jones

1 of 1




 D Miller

4 of 6




 G Mackinder

8 of 8


Finance & Resources


 Fr M Mills

3 of 4




Eco-Schools Silver Award